Our Vision.
Thriving workplaces where teams and individuals have the interpersonal experiences that they desire as human beings; thriving individuals who have the capacity to support the sustainability and success of the organization.
Sunny Sassaman
Applying Appropriate Alternative
We partner with our clients and SME's to provide the most appropriate services.
We believe in Helping Real People Solve Real Issues. |
Member of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR).
Current client agreements for service include Portland Metro, nearby Counties, Port of Portland, NPCC Advanced Practitioner (APT) at Portland State University, non- and for-profits, education systems, as well as subcontractor agreements to provide mediation services for the US military, TSA, and UPS.
To tell the truth I don't know a ton about mediation, but I did know that my organization was in need of a mediator when economic strain and new leadership had a collision in my institution. Sunny's contact information was easy to find, and she was easy to get a hold of. She was responsive, available, diligent and patient with us, an organization of over a hundred stressed out people grappling with heartbreak, anger, fear and instability. Sunny was able to help us set ground rules that let us organize ourselves and talk to each-other in a productive way, a miracle in the face of such a volatile time. We ended up making it to the other side of our conflict in a way that benefited the vast majority of the shareholders of the institution. We are all very thankful to have had a third party to help us through that time. We highly recommend Sunny's services.
-EA K, doctoral candidate and organizer